The Cosmic Utensil

Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music.
Music is THE BEST...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I was looking through some old stuff after cleaning my apartment and on my external drive I found a couple copies of things that bring back good memories. Many of them I can't open because they're evidently in Wordperfect...old computer used it...why I don't know. Anyway...this was one of my favorite poems I wrote and when I submitted it along with a few others I won the William D. Elliot Creative Writing Scholarship. Afterward, in talking to Will Weaver, he congratulated me, and said that my submitted work had been exceptional and the obvious choice. It made me feel pretty good.

The Getaway

We are off to Frank’s
because it’s a going away party
and what better place is there
to help you forget where you came from?

More whiskey than ice, so no doubles here
but a shadow at the end doubles his
and the problems are gone.
Or beginning.

We talk of flight
and history
while the humanity
under one of the few tables
is enlightened in sleep
and believes he’s flying with us