The Cosmic Utensil

Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music.
Music is THE BEST...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Soju. Perhaps "Sorry on journey unfortunate". Likely just a little beverage that someone stumbled upon after fucking YEARS of trial and error, because the ORIGINAL thing just didn't quite CUT it.

Either way. It's late. I tried to sleep, but couldn't, so at the hour of 12:40 or so, went to an old haunt her in Seosan. Jumped in a cab and went to "Seo Boo Sahng Gah". You say it like that and the taxi knows where to take you. Once there, found my last remaining friendly bartender a little into her cups. She's leaving too. She wants to come to America. She's worried. She'll do fine.

As for my own devices. Last talked to my sister Beth and she related that it is in all likelihood that this winter would take Jimmy Johnston. I am rolling with Brian on this in that winter doesn't know shit. With mom working at what she is, and dad bearing the brunt, winter best watch the fuck out.

Give me a slight breadth of more than a year.
You can not do this to me.
In one year.


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