The Cosmic Utensil

Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music.
Music is THE BEST...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I used to be inspired. It was maybe just the inspiration and energy of youth. It seemed like everything came quite easy when I was younger. Now you have to work your ass off for everything and not only is nothing guaranteed, but you might just be set back.

Maybe I am too careful. Maybe the problem is actually now that I care too much about things I never used to and that simply slows me down. Either way, maybe just like in coming to South Korea, I need to throw a little of that caution to the wind more often.

I have a few things I have written lately, and I think I need to do that more often. I have taken a fair amount of pictures, most of them shit, (in my defense, I seriously need to get a better main lens), but I know I still have a lot of crap in my head that I should get down on paper. Unfortunately, when I begin writing, I too often start editing at the same time. Meh. We'll see.

It is odd this traveling thing in Korea. I seriously want to return, of course I want to see more of the world as well. I wish I could be in two places at once. I know I have to go home, where ever that is. I know I need some serious dad time. Then I need hunting, and Canada, and some of my friends, who have helped me in many ways, all of them much more substantially than any of them realize. Their notes, pictures, posts, and calls are "the light in the black, that is calling me back." In 5 months and change, I'm coming home. And that makes me sad.


dryan said...

Well, we are waiting. :)

Unknown said...

Still waiting with bated breath......write dammit write! :-P

Unknown said...

that previous comment was from me, Jeffy Sneffy in CO